Tintoque: Creative Cuisine with Flavors of the Bay

Most likely, by the time you have this issue in your hands, a new restaurant already will have opened its doors in dynamic Marina Vallarta. Named Tintoque, it is headed by chef Joel Ornelas, who after working for some of the most renowned restaurateurs in England, Spain and Mexico has returned to his hometown to provide a unique gourmet experience.

On speaking with this promising young addition to the Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit culinary scene, we asked him to summarize his vision. “The cuisine at Tintoque could be described as a reinterpretation of local recipes that identify us as Vallartenses, incorporating my personal style along with the latest technology and culinary trends.”

Tintoque was the name of a pre-Hispanic fishing village located near what is now known as Punta de Mita.

Chef Ornelas explains that some items on his “creative menu,” as he calls it, change daily, depending on the seafood and fresh produce their local suppliers can provide. That way, the special on one day could include oysters fresh from Quimixto and the next, fish from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle. However, certain fine cuts of meat always are available.

The Tintoque experience is designed to be enjoyed in several courses, ideal for sharing. So if you visit with family or friends, you can try most of the specialties on the menu. “All my creations include acidic and spicy elements, plus varied textures: crispy, smooth and liquid. These components contrast with each other, combining to produce a well balanced dish,” he says.

To complement these local flavors, cocktails are based on drinks typical of the region, such as tuba and raicilla. An example is the Gin Vallartita, a fresh citrus drink that incorporates cucumber, coconut and lemon.

“I moved in order to cook for Vallarta and its people. I have a very strong connection with the sea and have always seen this destination as a paradise. I invite you to my table to discover our culinary vision for yourself,” Ornelas concludes.

Tintoque is one of those restaurants that should be on your radar and followed closely. We’re looking forward to its fresh culinary style and potential to become a meeting place for both locals and visitors who enjoy good food.

We invite you to learn more about this restaurant through its website.

Plaza Neptuno Local E1, Marina Vallarta
Reservations (322) 221-0240

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